Results for 'Shirley S. Travis'

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  1.  23
    Length of hospice care among US adults: 1992-2000.Beth Han, Robin E. Remsburg, William J. McAuley, Timothy J. Keay & Shirley S. Travis - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (1):104-113.
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    A Stress Reduction Program Adapted for the Work Environment: A Randomized Controlled Trial With a Follow-Up.Shirley S. Lacerda, Stephen W. Little & Elisa H. Kozasa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Protection Motivation and Communication through Nanofood Labels: Improving Predictive Capabilities of Attitudes and Purchase Intentions toward Nanofoods.Shirley S. Ho, Agnes S. F. Chuah & Christopher L. Cummings - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (5):888-916.
    The development and use of nanotechnology in the food industry have grown steadily. While visions for nanofood suggest that the applications will improve quality and safety, they are also controversial for several reasons including potential health risks coupled with difficulty in assessing low-dosage nanoparticle risks as well as values-based objections. In recent years, debate over nanofoods has sparked inquiry into factors that predict public attitudes and purchase intentions. Such studies have investigated the roles of demographics and sociographics, value predispositions toward (...)
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    Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: Gebhardt Edition . Translated by S. Shirley. Introduction by B.S. Gregory.Baruch Spinoza, S. Shirley & Brad Gregory - 1989 - Brill.
    This new and complete translation of Spinoza's famous 17th-century work fills an important gap, not only for all scholars of Spinoza, but also for everyone interested in the relationship between Western philosophy and religion, and the history of biblical exegesis.
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  5. Transfer von Traditionen: „Deutsche“ Chemie in Palästina, 1924–1939.Deichmann Ute & Travis Anthony S. - 2014 - Münchner Beiträge Zur Jüdischen Geschichte Und Kultur 8 (1):28-47.
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  6. Effects of a 7-Day Meditation Retreat on the Brain Function of Meditators and Non-Meditators During an Attention Task.Elisa H. Kozasa, Joana B. Balardin, João Ricardo Sato, Khallil Taverna Chaim, Shirley S. Lacerda, João Radvany, Luiz Eugênio A. M. Mello & Edson Amaro - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  7. An unnoticed flaw in Barker and Achinstein's solution to Goodman's new Riddle of induction.Edward S. Shirley - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (4):611-617.
    Barker and Achinstein misread Goodman's definitions of 'grue' and 'bleen'. If we stick to Goodman's definition of 'grue' as applying "to all things examined before t just in case they are green but to other things just in case they are blue" (my italics), and his parallel definition of 'bleen', then Barker and Achinstein's arguments are seen to be irrelevant. The result is to by-pass the question whether Mr. Grue sees things as grue rather than as green while showing that (...)
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  8.  64
    Putnam’s Brains in a Vat and Bouwsma’s Flowers.Edward S. Shirley - 1988 - Southwest Philosophy Review 4 (1):121-126.
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  9. Rorty's "disappearance" version of the identity theory.Edward S. Shirley - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (January):73-75.
    In "mind-Body identity, Privacy and categories" richard rorty set forth a new form of the identity theory of the mind, (called the 'disappearance' version) in which he suggested that instead of identifying sensations with neural events, Sensations might be eliminated. Using an illustration of rorty's I show that 'pain' cannot come to refer to a brain process for neural events are neither pleasant nor unpleasant. For 'pain' to refer to something unpleasant, We would have to give 'brain process' the connotation (...)
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    Chisholm's foundationalism and his theory of perception.E. S. Shirley - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (3):371 - 378.
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    The J.H.B. bookshelf.Shirley A. Roe, Eugene Cittadino, Sharon E. Kingsland, Janet Browne, Ronald Rainger, A. R. S. & Keith R. Benson - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (2):313-322.
  12.  62
    A Refutation of the Dream Argument.Edward S. Shirley - 1993 - Southwest Philosophy Review 9 (1):1-22.
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    Castañeda on the Private-Language Argument.Edward S. Shirley - 1973 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):133-138.
  14.  65
    Sense Datum Terminology.Edward S. Shirley - 1977 - Journal of Critical Analysis 7 (1):21-29.
  15.  39
    Quine and Referential Scepticism.Edward S. Shirley - 1980 - Journal of Critical Analysis 8 (2):29-33.
  16.  67
    The J.H.B. Bookshelf.Shirley A. Roe, A. R. S., John T. Edsall, Muriel L. Blaisdell & John F. Cornell - 1987 - Journal of the History of Biology 20 (2):281-287.
  17.  54
    The Seduction of the Golden Boy: The Body Politics of Hong Kong Gay Men.Travis S. K. Kong - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (1):29-48.
    This article investigates the embodied identities of Hong Kong gay men in two different `sites of desire', namely London and Hong Kong. In London, Hong Kong gay men have constantly encountered the intertwining relationships between race and sexuality in the constellation of the Western construction of body/desire/masculinity. By contrast, Hong Kong gay men in Hong Kong tend to place more emphasis on issues of family and culture. The main site of struggle for Hong Kong gay men in Hong Kong is (...)
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  18. Hilary Putnam (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus).Charles S. Travis - 2005 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  19.  76
    The Mapping Argument and Descartes’ Deceitful Demon.Edward S. Shirley - 1985 - Philosophical Topics 13 (2):53-60.
  20.  26
    Reply to Professor Sanders.Edward S. Shirley - 1976 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 9 (3):175 - 180.
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    The Illusion of a Private Language.Edward S. Shirley - 1972 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):55-64.
  22.  24
    Wittgenstein´ S private objects: Investigations 277 and 304.Edward S. Shirley - 1990 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2:175-183.
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  23.  56
    Prospects for direct social perception: a multi-theoretical integration to further the science of social cognition.Travis J. Wiltshire, Emilio J. C. Lobato, Daniel S. McConnell & Stephen M. Fiore - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:100549.
    In this paper we suggest that differing approaches to the science of social cognition mirror the arguments between radical embodied and traditional approaches to cognition. We contrast the use in social cognition of theoretical inference and mental simulation mechanisms with approaches emphasizing a direct perception of others’ mental states. We build from a recent integrative framework unifying these divergent perspectives through the use of dual-process theory and supporting social neuroscience research. Our elaboration considers two complementary notions of direct perception: one (...)
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  24.  60
    A Defense of Strawson’s Anti-Skeptical Method.Edward S. Shirley - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:98-106.
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    A flaw in Chisholm's foundationalism.Edward S. Shirley - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 38 (2):155 - 160.
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    The Impossibility of a Speech Act Theory of Meaning.Edward S. Shirley - 1975 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 8 (2):114 - 122.
    I argue that john r searle's speech-Act theory of meaning violates his own requirement that such a theory specify a set of conditions for the performance of a certain illocutionary (speech) act which does not include the performance of any other illocutionary act. For the "propositional act" mentioned in searle's analysans is in actuality an illocutionary act. Then I show that any speech-Act theory must include a subsidiary speech act in the analysans. Since the analysans must not contain such an (...)
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    Rival behavior and the elicitation of aggression at the boundary and inside the territory of a convict cichlid: A methodological note.Harman V. S. Peeke & Shirley C. Peeke - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (2):138-140.
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    Interview with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley by Flatness for Feminist Review and Women’s Art Library, April 2021.Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley & Shama Khanna - 2021 - Feminist Review 129 (1):109-122.
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    Putnam on analyticity.Edward S. Shirley - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (4):268 - 271.
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    ‘Appear’ and incorrigibility.Edward S. Shirley - 1976 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):197-201.
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    Freud and Reductive Hermeneutics.Edward S. Shirley - 1977 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):65-72.
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    Hintikka on Investigations 265.Edward S. Shirley - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):67-73.
  33.  57
    Observables, Unobservables, and the.Edward S. Shirley - 1974 - Journal of Critical Analysis 5 (3):99-103.
  34.  65
    Stimulus meaning and indeterminacy of translation.Edward S. Shirley - 1971 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):417-422.
  35.  24
    Why the Problem of the External World is a Pseudo-Problem: Santayana and Danto.Edward S. Shirley - 1990 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 4 (4):298 - 309.
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    Marquis’ Argument Against Abortion.Edward S. Shirley - 1995 - Southwest Philosophy Review 11 (1):79-89.
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    Naturalism: its impact on science, religion and literature.Hyung S. Choi, David F. Siemens & Shirley E. Williams (eds.) - 2001 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Canyon Institute for Advanced Studies.
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  38.  19
    Understanding the radiation-induced amorphization of zirconolite using molecular dynamics and connectivity topology analysis.H. R. Foxhall, K. P. Travis, L. W. Hobbs, S. C. Rich & S. L. Owens - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (4):328-355.
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  39.  91
    Moral development, executive functioning, peak experiences and brain patterns in professional and amateur classical musicians: Interpreted in light of a Unified Theory of Performance.Frederick Travis, Harald S. Harung & Yvonne Lagrosen - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1256-1264.
    This study compared professional and amateur classical musicians matched for age, gender, and education on reaction times during the Stroop color-word test, brainwaves during an auditory ERP task and during paired reaction-time tasks, responses on the Gibbs Sociomoral Reflection questionnaire, and self-reported frequencies of peak experiences. Professional musicians were characterized by: lower color-word interference effects , faster categorization of rare expected stimuli , and a trend for faster processing of rare unexpected stimuli , higher scores on the Sociomoral Reflection questionnaire, (...)
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    Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity (review).Travis E. Ables - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):137-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to ChristianityTravis E. AblesBrian Dobell. Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. xvii + 250. Cloth, $82.00.The question of Augustine's Platonism is famously vexed. Since Peter Brown, the standard reading holds that Augustine did not move beyond the Neoplatonism of his early dialogues until he studied the writings of the apostle Paul (...)
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  41. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Gebhardt edition.Baruch Spinoza, Samuel Shirley & Brad S. Gregory - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (1):167-169.
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  42.  42
    Science as Receptor of Technology: Paul Ehrlich and the Synthetic Dyestuffs Industry.Anthony S. Travis - 1989 - Science in Context 3 (2):383-408.
    The ArgumentIn Germany during the 1870s and 1880s a number of important scientific innovations in chemistry and biology emerged that were linked to advances in the new technology of synthetic dyestuffs. In particular, the rapid development of classical organic chemistry was a consequence of programs in which chemists devised new theories and experimental strategies that were applicable to the processes and products of the burgeoning dye factories. Thereafter, the novel products became the means to examine and measure biological systems. This (...)
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  43. The Rainbow Makers: The Origins of the Synthetic Dyestuffs Industry in Western Europe.A. S. Travis & R. Bud - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (4):423-423.
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  44.  27
    The Letters. Spinoza, Samuel Shirley, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice & Jacob Adler (eds.) - 1995 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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    Chaucer's Heliotropes and the Poetics of Metaphor.Peter W. Travis - 1997 - Speculum 72 (2):399-427.
    One possible way of dealing with the strange art of rhetoric is to claim one knows nothing about it. This is the tack taken by Chaucer's Franklin in his prologue to his Canterbury tale.
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  46.  65
    Special section: Darwinism and scientific practice in historical perspective: Guest editors' introduction.Ute Deichmann & Anthony S. Travis - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (1):55-60.
  47. Benedictus behavior analysis: B.F. Skinner’s magnum opus at fifty.Travis Thompson - 1988 - Contemporary Psychology 33 (5):397-402.
    This book continues to be one of the more widely read books in psychology. Skinner's magnum opus is one of a handful of books that changed the face of modern psychology. The Behavior of Organisms provided the first example of the use of the operant method to measure behavioral effects of drugs and led to the development of teaching machines, programmed instruction and community treatment programs for juvenile delinquents. The functional unit Skinner defined in his doctoral dissertation and explicated in (...)
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    Raphael Meldola and the Nineteenth-Century Neo-Darwinians.Anthony S. Travis - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (1):143 - 172.
    Raphael Meldola (1849-1915), an industrial chemist and keen naturalist, under the influence of Darwin, brought new German studies on evolution by natural selection that appeared in the 1870s to the attention of the British scientific community. Meldola's special interest was in mimicry among butterflies; through this he became a prominent neo-Darwinian. His wide-ranging achievements in science led to appointments as president of important professional scientific societies, and of a local club of like-minded amateurs, particularly field naturalists. This is an account (...)
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  49. Aristotle's Condition.Charles Travis - 2009 - In Duncan Pritchard & Patrick Greenough, Williamson on Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Cultural Orientation of Self-Bias in Perceptual Matching.Mengyin Jiang, Shirley K. M. Wong, Harry K. S. Chung, Yang Sun, Janet H. Hsiao, Jie Sui & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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